Animal Insight
2nd level Divination
Animal Insight
By touching a willing beast, you establish a mystical connection with it, allowing you to use its senses and perceive the world from its perspective. While the spell is active, you can use an action to see through the beast’s eyes and hear what it hears, relinquishing your own sensory input until the start of your next turn.
During this time, you gain insight into the beast’s instinctual reactions to its surroundings, potentially revealing hidden dangers or unnoticed paths in your environment. You can switch back to your normal senses by using an action.
Animal Insight does not allow you to control the beast’s actions, but it does offer a unique vantage point and sensory capabilities that are often beyond human perception, such as the ability to see in low light or detect scents with acute sensitivity.
This spell fosters a deep bond between caster and creature, providing valuable reconnaissance and a profound understanding of the natural world through the eyes of its inhabitants.
Credits: Squire 5