Speed represents how far a character or creature can move in a single round. Speed is measured in feet and is determined by a creature's race and other factors like class features, spells, or items. For example, most humans have a base speed of 30 feet, which means they can move up to 30 feet on their turn if they use their movement action to do so.
Here's a breakdown of how Speed can be used:
- Walking Speed: This is the most common form of movement. When you take the Move action on your turn, you can move up to your walking speed.
- Running/Dashing: You can use your action to "Dash," which allows you to move up to your speed again. So if you have a speed of 30 feet, dashing would let you move another 30 feet on your turn.
- Other Movement Types: Some characters and creatures have additional types of speed like swimming, flying, or burrowing speeds, which operate similarly to walking speed but apply to different types of movement.
- Difficult Terrain: Certain surfaces like mud, snow, or thick undergrowth count as "difficult terrain." When you enter a square of difficult terrain, it costs an extra foot of movement for each foot you move.
- Reduced Speed: Conditions like "Grappled" or "Restrained," as well as certain spells and abilities, can reduce your speed or even reduce it to zero, limiting your movement options.
- Splitting Movement: You can split your movement during your turn. This means you could move 10 feet, take an action, and then move another 20 feet if you have a speed of 30 feet.
- Interactions with Attacks: Some features allow you to make attacks while moving or immediately after moving a certain distance.
Speed is a vital aspect of combat and adventuring, affecting your ability to engage enemies, avoid threats, and navigate your environment effectively.
Credits: SRD 5.1