Character Races

Character Races

The ability to create, modify or delete races is an exclusive feature for the Game Master account tier. As a Player, you can view all available races via Reference > Races.

Accessing Races

Navigation: To access your races, head to My Game > My Races. This hub is where all of your races are managed.

Race Management

GMs are equipped with an action bar that includes ‘View All’ to survey all races and ‘Add’ to create new races.

Race Interaction

Adding New Races: Selecting ‘Add’ directs you to a comprehensive form that guides you through each step of race creation, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

Race Profiles: Clicking on an individual race opens the ‘View’ mode, displaying all information in a format easy to read and reference.

Viewing and Editing

Action Bar: GMs will see an action bar with options to ‘View,’ ‘Edit,’ ‘Delete,’ and ‘View All’ for easy navigation between races.

Add/Edit Races

Game Masters have the ability to create and manage character races within Squire 5. The process is facilitated through an Add/Edit form, which allows for detailed customization of each race.



Enter the name of the character race.

Subrace of

If this is a subrace (such as Drow Elf), select the parent race (i.e. Elf).


Allows for the addition of various subtypes associated with the race. Include the subtype name and its corresponding type, such as elemental affinity or cultural background. For example, Dragonborn have subtypes such as Bronze, Copper, and Gold with types Lightning, Acid, and Fire.


Describe the general alignment tendencies of the race.


The Description section provides a rich text editor for crafting a detailed narrative about the race. This narrative can include cultural background, physiological traits, common behaviors, and any other lore-related information.

Prompt Description

A text input for a brief description used for generating images or other quick references. An example for a Dragonborn would be "a humanoid figure with dragon-like features including scaled skin, a snout, sharp teeth, horns, and a muscular build"


Typical Eye, Hair, and Skin Colors

Multi-select dropdowns to specify the typical types of features (used for prompts when creating characters).


Select the size category for the race. See Size in the Monsters rule entry for details.

Average Height

Specify the average height in decimal feet.

Average Weight

Specify the average weight in pounds.

Size Description

Use this to describe the creature's size. This will show on the race profile page. For example:

Dragonborn are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds.


Enter movement speeds in feet per turn, such as walking, swimming, flying, and climbing. A human has a walking speed of 30 feet per turn, a halfling has a walking speed of 25 feet per turn.



The age at which the race is considered to have reached adulthood.

Average Mortality

The average age the race typically lives to.

Age Description

A narrative description of the race's maturation process. For example:

Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80.


Ability Description

A text area for a narrative description of the race's inherent abilities. An example for Dragonborn would be

Your draconic heritage manifests in a variety of traits you share with other dragonborn.

Hit Points Bonus

For specifying any racial bonus to hit points.

Ability Modifiers

A dynamic list where specific ability score modifiers are entered. Detail the specific ability score bonuses or penalties that the race confers on its members, such as increased strength or charisma.

  • Input the ability name (e.g., Strength, Dexterity, Charisma) in the first column.
  • Add the numerical modifier (positive or negative) in the second column.
  • Remove or add rows as needed by using the corresponding buttons.


Starting Skills

Select the skills that the race starts with by default.

Number of Starting Skills

Input the number of skills a character of this race begins with.

Starting Languages

Select the languages inherently known to the race.

Number of Additional Languages

Indicate how many extra languages, beyond the Starting Languages, a character knows at level 1.

Languages Description

Detail the languages' characteristics and background (if unique). For example:

You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants.

Race Features

Feature Name

The name of the racial feature.

Feature Description

Provide a detailed description of the feature. For example, the dragonborn feature, Damage Resistance, would have the description:

You have resistance to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry.

Add Feature Row

Click to add new racial feature.

Delete Feature

Click to delete the feature.

Credits: Squire 5