Gray Elf

Gray Elf

Gray Elf

Gray Elves are an elegant subrace of elves known for their exceptional aptitude for magic and refined culture. They have a natural affinity for arcane arts, and their keen minds and inquisitive nature make them skilled scholars and wizards.

Gray Elves are often found in grand cities or secluded libraries, delving into ancient tomes and mastering the intricacies of the arcane. They take great pride in their artistic pursuits, excelling in music, poetry, and craftsmanship.

With their heightened senses and grace, Gray Elves make excellent archers and fighters, but their true passion lies in the study and practice of magic. Their keen magical abilities allow them to wield powerful spells and manipulate arcane energies with precision.

Gray Elves’ aloof demeanor and keen intellect might sometimes be perceived as haughtiness, but their deep appreciation for beauty, wisdom, and knowledge make them valuable allies and envoys of culture. As patrons of art and masters of the arcane, Gray Elves enrich the world with their magical expertise and grace.

As a gray elf, you have a keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. In many fantasy gaming worlds, there are two kinds of gray elves. One type is haughty and reclusive, believing themselves to be superior to non-­elves and even other elves. The other type is more common and more friendly, and often encountered among humans and other races.


Although gray elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. A gray elf typically claims adulthood and an adult name around the age of 100 and can live to be 2,000 years old.


Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds.

Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Your base swimming speed is 15 feet.

Your base climbing speed is 15 feet.


You can speak, read, and write: Common, Elvish, Sylvan and 1 other language.

Ability Score Increase

  • Intelligence: +1
  • Dexterity: +2

Skill Proficiency

You have the following skills: Perception.

Race Features

You have all the features of your parent race, Elf, plus the following:

Elf Weapon Training

You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.


You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.

Extra Language

You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice.

Fey Ancestry

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. This ability reflects your ancient lineage and your inherent resistance to enchantments.


Elves do not need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. The Common word for such meditation is “trance.” While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.

Keen Senses

You have proficiency in the Perception skill, a nod to your heightened senses and your ability to notice things that others might overlook.

Credits: SRD 5.1