

Medium beast, unaligned
Environment: Urban
25 XP
Challenge Rating

In the idyllic meadows and rustic landscapes of the world, the Pony gallops as a gentle and reliable creature. With its compact size, friendly demeanor, and versatility, the Pony embodies companionship, agility, and the steadfast spirit of an equine companion.

The Pony is a smaller equine breed, standing at a height between a horse and a pony. Its sturdy frame and robust build make it well-suited for various tasks and terrains. Ponies come in a range of colors and coat patterns, from solid browns and blacks to dappled grays and piebalds, adding a touch of charm and diversity to their appearance.

Known for their amiable nature, Ponies possess a friendly and sociable disposition. They are often favored as mounts or companions by adventurers, as they exhibit patience and loyalty in even the most challenging situations. Despite their smaller stature, Ponies are known for their strength and endurance, capable of traversing rugged terrains with ease.

Ponies are highly versatile creatures, able to adapt to various roles and responsibilities. They are often used as mounts for smaller creatures or for transporting goods in rural areas. Their agility and surefootedness make them excellent companions for traversing difficult terrains, such as forests, hills, or mountain trails.

Encountering a Pony is to encounter a creature of gentle nature and reliability. Its presence exudes an aura of trust and companionship, as it stands ready to serve its rider or provide comfort in the midst of adventures. Interacting with a Pony can be a heartwarming experience, as their calm temperament and willingness to please make them endearing and dependable companions.

Ponies add a touch of companionship and reliability to the tapestry of the natural world. They serve as reminders of the enduring bond between creatures and their human counterparts, offering a sense of warmth and comfort in the midst of grand quests and perilous journeys. Whether encountered as trusty steeds, loyal companions, or as symbols of a simpler, rustic life, Ponies bring a sense of familiarity and tranquility to the realms of adventure and exploration.


  • Hooves: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
HP Roll
10 (DEX)
  • Passive Perception: 10
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Monster Monday March 18, 2024

The Pony: More Formidable Than You Expect

Journal Entry: The Pony is a remarkable creature that is often underestimated by many adventurers, but one that can prove to be a formidable opponent if not approached with caution.... More

Credits: SRD 5.1