The giant boar is a formidable creature, dwarfing its smaller domesticated counterparts. Standing several feet tall at the shoulder and weighing over a thousand pounds, it possesses immense strength and a set of razor-sharp tusks that can easily tear through flesh and bone.
With a thick hide covered in coarse hair, the giant boar is a symbol of raw power and ferocity. Its fur can vary in color, ranging from dark browns to deep blacks, providing effective camouflage in its natural habitats, such as dense forests and rugged terrain.
Giant boars are known for their aggressive and territorial nature. They fiercely defend their territory and charge at intruders or perceived threats with incredible speed and force. Their powerful tusks can inflict severe injuries, making them a challenging opponent to face in combat.
While primarily solitary creatures, giant boars may form small family units consisting of a sow and her offspring. They are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of vegetation, including roots, berries, and other plant matter. However, they are also opportunistic hunters and can capture and devour smaller animals when the opportunity arises.
In some cultures, giant boars are revered as symbols of strength and resilience. They are often featured in myths and legends as guardians or avatars of nature. The hunt for a giant boar is considered a test of bravery and skill, attracting those seeking to prove their prowess as hunters.
Encountering a giant boar in the wild requires caution and careful navigation. Disturbing or threatening them can trigger their aggressive behavior, leading to violent confrontations. Adventurers who seek to challenge these mighty creatures must be well-prepared, armed with sturdy weapons and a keen understanding of their behavior and weaknesses.
Special Abilities
If the boar moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a target and then hits it with a tusk attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
If the boar takes 10 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Usage: Recharge after short or long rest.
- Tusk: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
- Passive Perception: 8
Credits: SRD 5.1