Feather Token

Feather Tokens

Feather Tokens

This tiny object looks like a feather. Different types of feather tokens exist, each with a different single use effect. The GM chooses the kind of token or determines it randomly.

d100 Feather Token
01-20 Anchor
21-35 Bird
36-50 Fan
51-65 Swan boat
66-90 Tree
91-100 Whip



05385fe3 c1a7 4398 b378 29c06441fc7c
Tooltip Tuesday March 12, 2024

Unleashing the Magic of the Feather Token

Ah, the Feather Token - a wondrous item that has proven to be both a boon and a bane in the journeys of the adventurers I have had the honor... More

Credits: SRD 5.1