Charismatic Commander
Your strong presence and motivating words invigorate those who follow you. When you lead, others listen, and when you speak, they find renewed strength and determination. With this feat, you gain the following benefits:
- As an action, you can deliver a rousing speech to your allies within 30 feet of you who can hear and understand you. Those affected gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your level. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour.
- Allies affected by your rousing speech also gain advantage on their next saving throw within the next hour.
- Once per long rest, when you succeed on a Charisma-based check during a social encounter, you can choose one ally within 30 feet of you to gain advantage on their next Charisma-based check.
Whether in the thick of combat or during tense negotiations, your leadership makes a marked difference.
Credits: Squire 5