IMG 0239

Armor Master

Armor Master

Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medium Armor

You’ve honed your skills in wearing medium armor, making you more agile and better protected. When you are wearing medium armor, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your base Armor Class increases by 1 when you’re wearing medium armor.
  • The maximum Dexterity bonus you can apply while wearing medium armor increases by 1. For instance, if you wear a Breastplate, which normally allows a maximum Dexterity bonus of +2, it would now allow a maximum of +3.
  • When you use the Dodge action, attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the beginning of your next turn.
  • You can don or doff medium armor as an action, rather than it taking the usual amount of time (normally 5 minutes to don, 1 minute to doff).

This feat makes you a formidable opponent, able to move swiftly and withstand blows more effectively while clad in medium armor.

Credits: Squire 5