You were raised far from civilization, in the untamed wilderness that many dare not tread. Your upbringing taught you the laws of the land, which are much different from the laws of society. Whether you hail from the depths of a dense forest, the expanses of a desert, or the heights of a mountain range, you know how to survive and thrive away from the comforts of a settled life.
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit
Languages: 1 language of your choice.
A hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you’ve killed, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your class:
- hunting trap
- clothes, traveler's
Wild Instincts
Your senses are incredibly sharp, honed by years of living off the land. You can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers such resources (berries, small game, water, etc.). You can also navigate through difficult terrain at your normal speed.
Suggested Characteristics
Wildlings are often seen as uncivilized and rough around the edges by those from more structured societies. They value freedom and natural balance over laws and artificial order.
d8 | Personality Trait |
d1 | I feel more comfortable among animals than people. |
d2 | I am always alert and aware of my surroundings. |
d3 | I find solace in the natural world and get agitated in crowded cities. |
d4 | I have a crude sense of humor. |
d5 | I am deeply superstitious. |
d6 | I value my freedom above all else. |
d7 | I despise wastefulness; use every part of the animal, every piece of the plant. |
d8 | I love the thrill of the hunt, the chase, the kill. |
d6 | Ideal |
d1 | Harmony. Nature's balance must be preserved. (Neutral) |
d2 | Survival. The fittest are meant to survive and thrive. (Chaotic) |
d3 | Respect. Every creature and plant has a role in the circle of life and should be respected. (Good) |
d4 | Instinct. Ignore the trappings of civilization; trust your gut. (Chaotic) |
d5 | Isolation. The natural world is best enjoyed alone. (Neutral) |
d6 | Adaptability. Change is a natural part of life; adapt or die. (Chaotic) |
d6 | Bond |
d1 | I was cast out of my tribe and seek to earn my way back into their good graces. |
d2 | The spirits of the wilderness speak to me, and I must listen. |
d3 | A terrible disaster threatens my homeland, and I must stop it. |
d4 | I protect a sacred grove or creature. |
d5 | A close friend or family member has been taken by a natural predator. I must find them. |
d6 | I carry a token from my homeland as a constant reminder of where I come from. |
d6 | Flaw |
d1 | I have little respect for those who do not prove themselves in the wild. |
d2 | I am overly territorial and untrusting of strangers. |
d3 | I am naive to the ways of society and often act inappropriately. |
d4 | I have an irrational fear of a common natural element (fire, water, heights, etc.) |
d5 | I can be ruthless, considering compassion a luxury ill-afforded in my homeland. |
d6 | I find it hard to plan long-term, preferring to live in the moment. |
Credits: Squire 5