You’re an expert at exploiting the weaknesses of human nature, using a combination of charm, wit, and cunning to achieve your goals. Whether you specialize in small cons or elaborate schemes, your talents for deception and performance are almost unparalleled. Your past may be a tangle of half-truths and lies, and it’s up to you how much of it anyone else ever discovers.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Performance
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit or Forgery Kit
Languages: 1 language of your choice.
A forgery kit and a disguise kit, a set of fine clothes, a small keepsake from a “successful” con, and a pouch containing 20 gp.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your class:
- disguise kit and forgery kit
- clothes, fine
Master of Deception
You can always find a way to insert yourself into social gatherings, exclusive events, or private affairs by forging invitations, posing as someone else, or using your natural charm. This feature does not make people trust you, but it does give you the chance to attend events or go places where you might not be allowed otherwise.
Suggested Characteristics
Grifters are often smooth talkers and fast thinkers, but their motivations can vary widely. Some are in it for the thrill, while others have specific goals or targets in mind. Their ability to read people often gives them unique insights into human behavior.
d8 | Personality Trait |
d1 | I never let them see me sweat. |
d2 | I have a joke or a quip for every situation. |
d3 | I am extremely cautious and never take unnecessary risks. |
d4 | I love living in the lap of luxury. |
d5 | I can't resist a sob story; I have a soft spot for the underdog. |
d6 | I take nothing at face value; everything has deeper meaning. |
d7 | I never forget a face. |
d8 | I prefer to remain an enigma; layers of deception keep me safe. |
d6 | Ideal |
d1 | Freedom: I can't stand feeling tied down. (Chaotic) |
d2 | Greed: The whole world is just there for the taking. (Evil) |
d3 | Charity: I redistribute wealth; I just keep a finder's fee. (Good) |
d4 | Challenge: Life is a game, and I'm in it to win. (Neutral) |
d5 | Revenge: Someone double-crossed me, and payback is coming. (Any) |
d6 | Mastery: I aim to be the best at what I do. (Any) |
d6 | Bond |
d1 | I was part of a crew, and I'd do anything for them. |
d2 | I owe everything to a mentor who taught me everything about the con. |
d3 | I always leave a signature token at the scene of my greatest cons. |
d4 | Love found me once, but the relationship ended tragically. |
d5 | I have a child or younger sibling I support with my earnings. |
d6 | My ultimate con is in the works, and nothing will stand in my way. |
d6 | Flaw |
d1 | I can't resist scamming a scammer. |
d2 | My ambition often leads me to take unnecessary risks. |
d3 | I have a tell that reveals when I'm lying, but I'm not aware of it. |
d4 | I can't help but pocket anything shiny or valuable that catches my eye. |
d5 | I have a vice (gambling, drink, etc.) that I can't resist. |
d6 | My past is filled with burned bridges, and it's catching up to me. |
Credits: Squire 5