Background Clergy



You have been a member of the clergy, serving a church, temple, or religious organization. Your service could have been as a simple village priest, a monk in a secluded monastery, or a high-ranking official in a large religious hierarchy. You have studied sacred texts, performed religious rites, and provided guidance to the faithful.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Religion

Languages: 1 language of your choice.


A religious text or prayer book, a holy symbol, a set of vestments, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 20 gp.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your class:

  • book
  • (a) any holy symbol
  • vestments
  • clothes, common

Voice of Authority

As a member of the clergy, you are recognized and respected by those who share your faith. You can secure an audience with local religious figures more easily than most, and congregations of your faith will allow you to speak at their gatherings. You can also perform religious ceremonies and rites.

Suggested Characteristics

Members of the clergy are often devout, though the nature of their devotion may vary. They are usually well-educated in matters of theology and ritual, and are often driven by higher ideals or a sense of cosmic order.

d8Personality Trait
d1I always have a proverb or parable to share in any situation.
d2I am skeptical of anyone who deviates from traditional doctrine.
d3I am focused and introspective, constantly seeking deeper truths.
d4The awe and majesty of my deity fascinates me; I can discuss it for hours.
d5I am incredibly passionate and can turn any conversation into a sermon.
d6I am kind-hearted and make it a point to minister to the downtrodden.
d7I am very sensitive to the moods and needs of a congregation or crowd.
d8I enjoy debating theological matters with others.
d1Righteousness: I aim to spread the virtues and beliefs of my faith. (Good)
d2Tradition: I strive to preserve and uphold the rituals and teachings of my religion. (Lawful)
d3Charity: The purpose of faith is to aid those who are in need. (Good)
d4Knowledge: Understanding the divine is the highest form of worship. (Neutral)
d5Freedom: Everyone should be free to choose their own path to the divine. (Chaotic)
d6Authority: My church or temple is the one true path, all others must convert. (Lawful)
d1My life changed when I found my faith, and I will defend it at all costs.
d2I was mentored by a senior member of my religious order who means everything to me.
d3The holy relics of my faith must be preserved and protected.
d4I seek to recover a lost religious artifact that could change the course of history.
d5I’ve made a vow to my deity that I intend to fulfill.
d6A prophecy or omen from my deity guides my actions.
d1I am dogmatic and inflexible in my thinking.
d2I have a secret doubt about my faith that I fear may one day surface.
d3My sense of authority can make me arrogant or condescending.
d4I secretly believe that everyone else is beneath me, lost or deluded.
d5I am obsessed with an apocalyptic prophecy, interpreting all signs as heralds of the end times.
d6My zealousness sometimes leads me to take extreme actions against non-believers.

Credits: Squire 5