Character Classes

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Subclass of Wizard


As Abjurers, Wizards focus on magic that manipulates mystical boundaries and barriers, even redefining the limits of reality. Wizards specializing… More
Primary Class


These formidable warriors draw power from their untamed, primal instincts. Fueled by raw emotions, they tap into a fierce rage… More
Primary Class


Bards are charismatic performers and enchanting storytellers, wielding the power of music, words, and charm to captivate audiences and manipulate… More
Beast Warden
Subclass of Ranger

Beast Warden

Rangers who adopt the Beast Warden archetype forge a profound bond with the animal kingdom. They learn to communicate, understand,… More
Subclass of Fighter


The archetypal Champion focuses on the development of raw physical power honed to deadly perfection. Those who model themselves on… More
Subclass of Sorcerer


Sorcerers with the Chronomancer Origin have an inherent connection to the flow of time. Through concentration and the utilization of… More
Circle of the Eternal Flame
Subclass of Druid

Circle of the Eternal Flame

Druids of the Circle of the Eternal Flame are keepers of the primal, cleansing force of fire. They see fire… More
Circle of the Land
Subclass of Druid

Circle of the Land

The Circle of the Land is made up of mystics and sages who safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a… More
Circle of the Mirage
Subclass of Druid

Circle of the Mirage

Druids of the Circle of the Mirage master the art of illusion and environmental manipulation. By altering the perception of… More
Primary Class


Clerics are devoted agents of divine power, chosen to serve the will of their chosen deity or higher power. As… More
College of Echoes
Subclass of Bard

College of Echoes

Bards of the College of Echoes delve into the mysteries of sound and time, learning to harness the power of… More
College of Lore
Subclass of Bard

College of Lore

Bards of the College of Lore know something about most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources as diverse as… More
College of Scribes
Subclass of Bard

College of Scribes

Bards from the College of Scribes are the keepers of history, tradition, and knowledge. More academically inclined than other bards,… More
Subclass of Wizard


As Conjurers, Wizards focus on the art of summoning and binding, transcending traditional boundaries to bring forth entities or items… More
Subclass of Wizard


Diviners are wizards who tap into the interconnected web of fate, time, and probabilities. These wizards act as seers, fortune-tellers,… More
Domain of Seasons
Subclass of Cleric

Domain of Seasons

Clerics of the Domain of Seasons are conduits for the natural cycles that govern the world. They have a deep… More
Domain of the Hearth
Subclass of Cleric

Domain of the Hearth

Clerics of the Domain of the Hearth are the keepers of home, sanctuary, and community. They serve deities of protection,… More
Draconic Bloodline
Subclass of Sorcerer

Draconic Bloodline

Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often,… More
Subclass of Sorcerer


Dreamweavers tap into the mystical realm of dreams, granting the sorcerer the ability to manipulate and traverse the boundaries between… More
Primary Class


Druids are guardians of nature and its primal forces, tapping into the ancient magic that flows through the natural world.… More
Subclass of Fighter


Fighters who take on the Duelist archetype specialize in one-on-one combat, preferring the elegance and focus of single combat to… More
Subclass of Wizard


As Enchanters, Wizards focus on the subtle arts of mind manipulation, emotional influence, and aura manipulation. They are experts in… More
Subclass of Wizard


As Evokers, Wizards focus on magic that creates powerful elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, crackling… More
Primary Class


Fighters are skilled and disciplined warriors who have honed their combat prowess through rigorous training and experience on the battlefield.… More
Subclass of Ranger


Emulating the Hunter archetype means accepting your place as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness. As… More
Subclass of Wizard


As Illusionists, wizards are masters of deception, creating intricate mirages and manipulating reality itself. These wizards are often artists, storytellers,… More
Life Domain
Subclass of Cleric

Life Domain

The Life domain focuses on the vibrant positive energy—one of the fundamental forces of the universe—that sustains all life. The… More
Master of Shadows
Subclass of Rogue

Master of Shadows

Rogues who embrace the Master of Shadows archetype are experts in manipulation, subterfuge, and the darker aspects of stealth. These… More
Primary Class


Monks are disciplined and agile warriors who have dedicated themselves to the mastery of martial arts and harnessing their inner… More
Subclass of Wizard


Necromancers focus on the broader aspects of life and death. They delve into the secrets of mortality, soul manipulation, and… More
Oath of Devotion
Subclass of Paladin

Oath of Devotion

The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. Sometimes called cavaliers, white… More
Oath of Echoes
Subclass of Paladin

Oath of Echoes

Paladins who take the Oath of Echoes are bound by the concept that history is a wheel, always repeating itself… More
Oath of the Hearth
Subclass of Paladin

Oath of the Hearth

Paladins who swear the Oath of the Hearth bind themselves to the concept of home, sanctuary, and community. They are… More
Primary Class


Paladins are holy knights, devoted champions of virtue and righteousness. They serve as paragons of their beliefs and follow a… More
Path of the Berserker
Subclass of Barbarian

Path of the Berserker

For some barbarians, rage is a means to an end— that end being violence. The Path of the Berserker is… More
Path of the Celestial Guardian
Subclass of Barbarian

Path of the Celestial Guardian

Some Barbarians don’t just tap into their inner rage; they tap into the celestial energies of guardians from higher planes.… More
Path of the Elemental Fury
Subclass of Barbarian

Path of the Elemental Fury

For Barbarians who walk the Path of the Elemental Fury, their rage isn’t just an emotional state but a channel… More
Subclass of Ranger


Rangers who follow the path of the Pathfinder specialize in navigating difficult terrain and leading others safely through the wilderness.… More
Primary Class


Rangers are skilled and versatile adventurers with a deep connection to nature and a talent for survival in the wilderness.… More
Primary Class


Rogues are skilled and stealthy adventurers, masters of cunning and deception. They excel in the arts of infiltration, evasion, and… More
Primary Class


Sorcerers are innate spellcasters, born with an intrinsic connection to magic that flows through their bloodlines. This power sets them… More
Subclass of Fighter


Spellblades are warriors who embrace both steel and spell, channeling arcane energies through their weapons to bolster their attacks and… More
Subclass of Rogue


Rogues who adopt the Swashbuckler archetype are the epitome of finesse and agility. These individuals revel in one-on-one combat and… More
The Archfey
Subclass of Warlock

The Archfey

You have made a pact with a fiend from the lower planes of existence, a being whose aims are evil,… More
The Cosmic Emissary
Subclass of Warlock

The Cosmic Emissary

Warlocks who forge a pact with The Cosmic Emissary find themselves entangled with the forces of the cosmos itself—planets, stars,… More
The Forgotten One
Subclass of Warlock

The Forgotten One

Warlocks who make a pact with The Forgotten One engage with an entity erased from memory and history, existing only… More
Subclass of Rogue


You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. Burglars, bandits, cutpurses, and other criminals typically follow this archetype, but so… More
Subclass of Wizard


Transmuters are masters of alteration and transformation. Their magical talents stretch beyond the simplistic turning of lead into gold. They… More
Verdant Soul
Subclass of Sorcerer

Verdant Soul

Sorcerers of the Verdant Soul Origin draw their magic from the heart of the natural world. Their power is intertwined… More
Primary Class


Warlocks are wielders of dark and eldritch powers, striking pacts with powerful otherworldly beings to gain their magical abilities. These… More
Subclass of Fighter


Fighters who adopt the Warlord archetype are natural leaders on the battlefield. They are as skilled in tactical decision-making as… More
Way of the Cosmic Fist
Subclass of Monk

Way of the Cosmic Fist

Monks who follow the Way of the Cosmic Fist are often considered enigmatic, even among other monks. They seek to… More
Way of the Open Hand
Subclass of Monk

Way of the Open Hand

Monks of the Way of the Open Hand are the ultimate masters of martial arts combat, whether armed or unarmed.… More
Way of the Serene Mind
Subclass of Monk

Way of the Serene Mind

Monks who follow the Way of the Serene Mind believe that true mastery comes from inner calm and clear thinking,… More
Primary Class


Wizards are scholarly spellcasters who wield magic through rigorous study and intellectual prowess. They devote themselves to the pursuit of… More