


Your intense study of languages and cultures has turned you into a skilled linguist. Your ability to comprehend, speak, and decode languages is unparalleled. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficiency in three languages of your choice.
  • When you encounter written text in a language you’re proficient in but written in a code, cipher, or archaic form, you have advantage on Intelligence checks to decipher it.
  • You can understand the literal meaning of any spoken language you hear. However, you don’t understand any secret meaning or metaphor in the language unless you’re proficient in it.
  • Once per long rest, you can spend 10 minutes focusing on a piece of writing in a language you do not know. At the end of that time, you understand the text as if you were proficient in that language. This understanding lasts for 1 hour.

This feat makes you a master of languages, giving you the capability to bridge cultural and communication gaps that others find impassable. Whether it’s ancient texts or secretive whisperings, few linguistic challenges can thwart you.

Credits: Squire 5