
Language Abyssal


Abyssal is a guttural and infernal language, spoken by fiends and demonic creatures. Its harsh and unsettling sounds echo the… More
Language Celestial


Celestial is a celestial and melodic language, spoken by celestial beings and divine entities. Its harmonious tones resonate with the… More
Language Common


Common is the most widely spoken language in the realms, serving as a universal tongue for communication between different races… More
Language Deep Speech

Deep Speech

Deep Speech is an eerie and unsettling language, spoken by aberrations, Mind Flayers, and other creatures from the depths of… More
Language Draconic


Draconic is a majestic and ancient language, spoken by dragons and their kin. Its powerful and resonant tones evoke the… More
Language Dwarvish


Dwarvish is a robust and hearty language, spoken by dwarves, known for its strength and practicality. Its solid and rhythmic… More
Language Elvish


Elvish is an elegant and melodious language, spoken by elves, known for its grace and beauty. Its flowing and enchanting… More
Language Giant


Giant is a powerful and booming language, spoken by giants and giantkin. Its deep and resonant sounds mirror the immense… More
Language Gnomish


Gnomish is a playful and whimsical language, spoken by gnomes, known for its creativity and cleverness. Its lively and animated… More
Language Goblin


Goblin is a crude and guttural language, spoken by goblins and other creatures of the Underdark. Its sharp and harsh… More
Language Halfling


Halfling is a cheerful and melodic language, spoken by halflings, known for its warmth and friendliness. Its light and pleasant… More
Language Infernal


Infernal is a sinister and infernal language, spoken by devils and fiendish creatures. Its harsh and guttural sounds evoke the… More
Language Orc


Orc is a gruff and guttural language, spoken by orcs and other savage creatures. Its rough and aggressive sounds reflect… More
Language Primordial


Primordial is an ancient and elemental language, spoken by elemental creatures and beings of primordial origin. Its deep and resonant… More
Language Sylvan


Sylvan is a melodic and enchanting language, spoken by fey creatures and woodland beings. Its ethereal and graceful sounds reflect… More
Language Undercommon


Undercommon is a dark and guttural language, spoken by creatures that dwell in the Underdark, the vast and treacherous subterranean… More